This chapter presents statistics about prisoners and parolees serving sentences for at least one federal offence as at 30 June 2013, for New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. The Federal Offenders collection adds to our understanding of corrective services in Australia by identifying those prisoners who are sentenced to imprisonment, or are on parole, for federal offences but are being managed by state and territory corrective service agencies.
There are two components to the Federal Offenders collection: federal prisoners and federal parolees. The federal prisoner component is a subset of the Prisoner Census. It consists of sentenced prisoners, with at least one offence against Commonwealth/federal legislation in the current episode. The federal parolee component includes data about offenders on parole (in the community) with at least one offence against Commonwealth/federal legislation, in the current episode. The current episode for a federal offender may contain only federal offences or a combination of both state and federal offences; however, for this collection, only the federal offences are in scope.
There are key differences between the scope of the Federal Offenders collection and the Prisoner Census. The Prisoner Census includes all prisoners, both sentenced and unsentenced, with either state offences, federal offences or a combination of both. It also excludes parolees.
Federal offender population

For further information on the scope of the Federal Offenders collection, please see the Explanatory Notes provided in the Federal Offenders data cube.